Saturday, May 26, 2018

Chapter 4 : Brand Element : Choose your brand elements wisely.

In this chapter we will be discussing about brand element and the criteria of selecting brand elements. The worth of apple logo is  $39.9 billion, this worth is not created overnight. A team of well-established logo architects and designers put their mind in the creation of this logo. But again logo is a brand element, but to select this brand element we need to see the criteria’s as well. Keller defines criteria of selecting brand elements as the selective filter which is applied on each brand element. He categorized these criteria under 6 filter.

1) Memorability (Your brand element should be attention grasping and can be easily identified, for example, Mcdonalds, A big yellow “M” can be spotted miles before and can easily trigger recall and recognition.
2) Meaningfulness (brand element should be meaningful in terms of detail description of your product and benefits. Like Fair and lovely, they describe their product as a whitening cream and they put challenge in their advertisement that in just 10 days you will have fairer skin.
3) Likeability (Your brand should be aesthetically sound and appealing. Color combination used in the creation of any elements creates a big difference. See which color and design have associated feelings with your brand.
4) Transferability (You cannot stick with your brand with only one product, for more profits companies diversify their portfolio. Your brand name, logo and other elements should be made in a way that they can be easily transfer to other products in your portfolio.
5) Adaptability (Again very important because you need to adapt and adopt your brand elements with the taste and culture of your target market and continuously try to improve your brand elements by keeping in mind the element of technology.
6) Protectability (Select the brand elements which can be protected internationally in terms of copyrights and trademarks. In Pakistan, we register our company and brand under the umbrella of SECP (security exchange commission of Pakistan).

Moving towards the tactics of brand elements. These tactics are made and developed by the above-mentioned criteria’s.
The first tactic is selecting the Brand name. Since it is not easy to select a brand name. There are certain criteria’s which needs to be fulfilled like it should define your objectives, through these objectives, generate a list of brand names, screen them out on the bases of favorability and then research the final candidate nationally and internationally as well. 
Second is URL (uniform resource locator) a web name for your digital campaigns like, where Daraz means closet. People normally put logo and symbol under one category, but yet they are poles apart.
A logo is a term derived from logotype which is the written part and symbol is graphics part, for example, Starbucks (the written part is the logo and the naked siren is the symbol).
Characters are the symbolic and rememberable personalities associated with a brand for e.g. Colonel Sanders of KFC, Reynold McDonalds of McDonald's.
Packaging is an important brand element because it can influence the taste (orange juice), it can change the buying behavior (orange juice as a normal drink).  And Lastly, Slogan and Taglines, the difference between both of them is slogan is for a short marketing campaign and tagline is for the company and it remains constant forever.

1 comment:

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